INVITATION TO THE MEETING ON 12/16/2023, FROM 1:00 p.m. TO 5:00 p.m

INVITATION TO THE MEETING ON 12/16/2023, FROM 1:00 p.m. TO 5:00 p.m.


The aim of the meeting is above all to highlight the essential points for the proper
functioning of the association.
It is also crucial to get dynamic not only individually but also collectively.
At the end of this, the added value that should result from it would be the development of concrete actions which would aim to contribute to the security of the Fulani population remaining in Africa and the orientation and integration of its diaspora in Europe.

1 – Observation
a) – The Fulbés (Fulani) represent around 70 million people scattered around the world, mainly in around twenty countries in the Sahel and West Africa.
Today, the difficulties of the Fulbés (Peulhs) can be traced in several aspects, notably the fruit of the main conflicts taking place in the Sahel, global warming and even the galloping demographics which thus reduce grazing areas.
Thus, pastoralists are forced to head further south, entering agricultural land causing conflicts.
This reduction in their transhumance corridor immediately makes them more vulnerable, because they move towards regions close to cities due to lack of pasture.
The livestock, representing the entire life of the Fulbé (Peulh) pastor, have been able to acclimatize for centuries: their herds.
Faced with globalization, the harmful effects are being felt more and more in rural regions, thus threatening the future of these nomads.
Today, it is clear that the transhumant shepherds of the Sahel face terrible challenges making their future uncertain because 96% of livestock feeding in this area relies on natural pasture which unfortunately in turn is subject to climatic hazards. .
b) – The majority of migrants of Fulbe (Peulh) origin interviewed said they encountered difficulties during their journey, which continued once they arrived in Europe.
Those who stated the type of difficulties encountered most often cited mainly financial problems, hunger or thirst and the absence of shelter and papers or even lack of knowledge of socio-professional organizations.

• Establishment of branches serving as permanent offices to welcome the public Fulbés (Peulhs) and local residents)
To respond to this concern, we thought of relying on the already existing illustrious international structure of fulbés: the TABITAL PULAAKU INTERNATIONNAL association, including the European diaspora branch (Tabital Pulaaku Paris Île de
France) “TPP IDF”, is keen to make its contribution to the situation which has become crucial.
It is this entity that initiated the organization of this meeting, to reflect on it and collect everyone’s opinions, in order to identify ways and means of securing them.
All TABITAL PULAAKU cells in Europe and elsewhere will be involved in this process in
order to:
• Propose courses of action
• Identify and evaluate
• Collect information
• Identify skills acquired in Africa and those that are transferable
• Define priorities, expected change
• Define operational objectives
• Coordinate action plans
• Mobilize existing systems to achieve the set objectives
a-) The territory of intervention Cover the entire African and European territories sheltering this population MEANS
• Establishment of legal and social administrative permanence branches, with a view to informing, informing and guiding fulbés and friends of fulbés on existing solutions in Ile de France
• Support in voluntary return projects and subsidies to the country of origin with the establishment of a monitoring plan
• Promotion of the acquisition of trades through literacy, apprenticeships, and other professional training, to enable effective integration of Fulbé nationals into the world of work in their area of residence
• Setting up personalized pathways aimed at encouraging their return to employment by implementing orientation and remobilization stages.
The main objectives of the various recommendations are access to qualifying training and even subsidized employment.
• Creation of partnership with temporary employment agencies and training organizations.
• Monitor job dating (employment forum) and collective information and register them as well as Job Search Techniques workshops
• Development of partnership with professional integration structures
• Help in developing a professional project, steps intended to remove obstacles to employment:
The association must have operating tools linked to the activities described. According to the territory of intervention covered by the association
Acquisition of tools that can promote professional activity is necessary: mobile, for example during off-site offices / Laptop and mobile phone
• Link with partners for administrative and social procedures (housing – health and social life – childcare, etc.)
• An adapted training course, support in procedures related to employment and training
• Connections on job offers, creates privileged links with companies. The main obstacles identified being: lack of qualifications, poor command of the language

French, a lack of experience, a lack of knowledge of the job market and job search
Added to these are social obstacles, which are also taken into account by the
referents in setting up support (health problem, housing problem, lack of resources, lack of self-confidence, etc.).
• Identification of a network of resource people and ensuring that the public is put in contact with them.
• The alarming observation of the unworthy conditions in which exiled people live but also of the existence of barriers they face in accessing their rights and services. Faced with these findings, the associations agreed on a series of recommendations.
Once you arrive in France, there are numerous obstacles to obtaining information and applying for asylum, or even regularizing your administrative situations.
For some people, a real obstacle course faces them. For migrants seeking asylum, in Île de France, direct them to the telephone platform in order to obtain a first appointment which allows them to pre-register with the SPADA (Structure for the First Reception of Asylum Seekers) or even the network of lawyers specializing in the matter for their guidance.

Dear member, to enable us to better welcome you, please confirm your participation, either by e-mail or WhatsApp message or simple telephone call

From abroad (+33) 7 66 16 90 17
Email: Subject of meeting of December 16, 2023